Our Story

Date Sugar Co. was born out of our family’s love of dates.  Ben has been a pillar in the date industry for nearly two decades, and Jen has loved being in the kitchen using this super fruit in any way possible.  For our family, whole dates have always been a staple in our kitchen pantry. When we had kids, we continued to find new ways to make dates part of our active kid-friendly lifestyle. We loved that we could meet their sweet tooth with a nutrient-rich, natural sugar. We have always known that whole dates are great for any diet and lifestyle, but require the time to prep.

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Date Sugar Co. | date fields - Ben

As any busy family knows, many times a shortcut is needed!  So Jen turned to the next best thing, Date Sugar.  Simply adding a teaspoon of date sugar to sprinkle on the kids’ morning oatmeal or pancakes, add to a fruit smoothie, or swap for granulated sugar in banana bread.  Our family has used date sugar for years, replacing any form of sugar in our recipes.  What started as a need for a quick replacement for whole dates, turned into love as a swap for honey, molasses, maple syrup, or white and brown sugars.

We know how much our family has benefited from this sugar alternative, and realized so many people (of all ages) are missing out on this naturally sweet product.  We want everyone to be able to make small changes for big results.  Our Date Sugar Co.’s Raw Organic Date Sweetener does not disappoint in flavor or flexibility in the kitchen.

We share this superfruit sweetener with our family and wanted to share its pure natural sweetness with yours.

Date Sugar Co. | Family Pic

Ben and Jen (with our inspirations)

Raw Organic Date Sweetener + Made from Dates and Nothing More!

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